Name:Bruce Jones
Appearence:same as nathan jones he looks excatly the same
Likes: pizza, death, short swords, killing his twin,girls
Dislikes:his twin, goody two shoes,justice
Character pros: (good at)killing, planning, dating
Character flaws: (bad at)getting away
Family:NAthan, Julia, Bob
Pet: (optional)Red Dragon named Drago
Bio:(make it interesting!)Ever since he was born he has hated his twin. He felt his twin has always been out to make everyone think he is the ''better twin''
The only thing he could do that his brother can't is kill anything, and get a date. He has kept his eye out on Ivy for a while, but her sword always changed his mind. Besides, a girl would just interfeer with his life goal: kill Nathan.
Even though he would rather not, he has alwas felt like he could make time for a girl that could truly capture his heart.
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